PayDay Banner

100% Safe Labour Management App

Manage your entire staff from a single App. Maintaining wages, salaries, assigning tasks, and more. Everything is offline, which makes the app unique and provides more security than its competitors.

PayDay Major Benefits

A highly flexible solution that has the potential to manage daily employee salaries.

  1. Hasslefree Attendance Process: With PayDay, no thumbprint or face id required. Instead, the product or the task that an employee makes or completes is the attendance, and it is recorded automatically every day.
  2. Flexible Salary Record: Manage different wage types, advance payment management with PayDay every day.
  3. Embedded with Calculator: The app has its calculator; whatever you record, it calculates automatically and gives the final amount.
  4. Worksheet on Request: On request through the app, they can get a monthly worksheet. This has all the salary details including the work they did.
  5. Offline Mode: The best way to secure your data is to use it offline; therefore, whatever you do on the PayDay app is secured, and the offline mode assures data security.
  6. One App For Everyone: PayDay is ideal for every business, office, daily labor management, worker management, staff management, and much more.

Why Should You Be Using PayDay App?

  • Payday makes bookkeeping and accounting easy and convenient.
  • There is no need for an ancient khata book or diary to manage cash flow and accounts.
  • You can check and download cash flow reports or cash books of organizations anytime.
  • All in one accounting app for businesses to manage billings of the employees.

Supporting Digital India Campaign

Payday is proudly made in India with the love to boost and support small businesses (MSME).



Technology Stack

Android   Firebase

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What Our Client Say

Dr. Elizabeth Reed

Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Science Co-Director, SDSU-UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Global Health Associate Professor of Global Health

Cmile built our app to be available on iOS and Android. They were wonderful to work with. They offered suggestions along the way to make the app stand out, went above and beyond in terms of the app development. They were always approachable, and we always got the sense from them that they are just as passionate about our mission as we are!

Rajat Jhunjhunwala

Founder @ KlomaCare

Cmile team has efficiently worked out a mobile app to complete my medical device with an enthusiastic lead like Chirag within a short period of time

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